Gift Giveaway for 2017 Client's

November 28, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

Hello All,

If you've been following me on my Facebook Page, just as I promised, here it is.....

I am giving away a FREE gift box full of goodies to 1 of my 2017 valuable client's. Say What?!?!

Those who booked one of my Standard and Wedding Collections this year are raffled in for this amazing free gift box! The drawing will be held on January 3rd, 2018. I'll announced it as time gets near.

Check below to see terms and condition's, and if you qualify and how many times your name is in the raffle...

Your name or Person of Contact is attached to a #. You can have more than 1 number, depending on what you paid for.

1. If you booked 1 Standard Collection and followed through with it, you get 1 heart ticket (if you booked more, it is 1 heart ticket per 1 booking). Example: if you booked 2, you get 2 hearts, if you booked 3, you get 3 hearts, and etc.

2. Any cancelled session/collection, you will get no heart
3. If you bought all the images from your private gallery and or bought any addl' images, you get 1 heart.

4. If you bought any additional prints, you get 1 heart
5. If your engagement session was part of a wedding collection, and you followed through with both session's, you only get 1 heart.

6. However, if you bought all the images or any additional prints from your engagement session and or bought any additional prints from your wedding session you get 1 heart.

7. For the large groups of 8+ more, the person of contact (POC) name will be in the drawing as that person was the one who kept in contact and communicated with me.

8. Those who did not book a collection for yourself but bought a collection as a gift for someone else and that person followed through with the session, you get 1 heart.
9. Those who didn't book a collection, but did buy prints from one of my client's session gets 1 heart


For example) If I booked 2 standard collection's and followed through with each (i get 2 hearts), and I bought all the images from one session (i get 1 heart), and bought additional prints from both session's (I get 2 hearts), I will have a total of 5 hearts in the raffle. Having 5 hearts in the drawing will increase my chances of winning! 

Another example) If I booked a wedding collection and did the engagement session with it and followed through with each (I get 1 heart), and I bought all the images from my engagement session (1 heart), I will have a total of 2 hearts in the raffle.


Each of these numbered heart tickets is assigned to an individual. An individual can have 1 or more different #'s per the rules above. So, for example, let's say I have 5 hearts, that means my name is attached to numbers 4, 7, 50, 30, and 78. If you'd like to know how many hearts you have, please contact me and I'll be glad to tell you how many heart tickets you have.

I laid out a map of people with their contact info and with their assigned #'s on an excel spread. So, whatever # I picked as the winner, I will cross reference it to my map to ID who the winner is. This is a way to eliminate any pre-assumed bias and favoritism and to give every single one of my  2017 valuable clients a chance to win.


I'm going to make this a tradition every year. With every year, there will be a different FREE gift give away to one of my valuable clients. There is just one very important rule that will apply, that is... this year's 2017 clients do not roll over to 2018 raffle drawing. Every year resets and starts out a new again. Look below to see what you could win for the year 2018 if you booked a Standard or Wedding collection and followed through, same rules will apply! The reason why I'm doing this is basically a way to show how much I value you as a client and all of my clients. I'm a very giving and caring person, sometimes booking a session requires so much of your effort and time, that I don't want you all to think I don't care about those time spent in prep for your session and even after your session. Not only that, but I get a ton of referrals, and without clients referring me out, I wouldn't even be where I am at today. So, this is me giving back to you, THANK YOU and to all those who booked and supported my work. From the bottom of my heart, Thank you, Thank you!


Here below are a few pictures of what the FREE gift give away box contains...

Let's look at each closely....

2 plush dolls for the little ones. I photograph a lot of families with children, to make the children feel just as important, I included these dolls for them.

Shaving products and after shave and a 3 in 1 product for the gent's. It's a 3 in 1 because you can use it  as a body soap! Neat!

A 5x7 picture frame to store one of your best photo from your session with me or any picture you'd like ;P

$10.00 Target GC because who doesn't love Target?!

Mac Lipstick for the pretty lad/s. Unopened.

Lipstick kit by Tarte for the pretty lad/s.

LED lit foldable and portable mirror for you gent's or lad's on the go or to have in prep for your photo session. I have one of these and I absolutely LOVE mine, it's very convenient to have around.

An amazing perfume by Philosophy. It smells so good!

A Brag Book to hold 36 4x6 prints. Everything is now digital these days, however, if you are still very old fashion and traditional like me, here's a perfect brag book album to carry around in your purse or to have around in your car or your house to show off your memories. If you don't like small talks, I actually find that having a brag book makes a good conversation when you bring it out and share your photos with someone.


I've had a few single men session's, if you are one of them who wins this Free gift box giveaway, then what a great way to give the girly items to your mom, your sister, niece, cousin, girlfriend or friend! And, that goes the same with the single lad's session's too, what a great way to give the manly items to your dad, brother, cousin, nephew, boyfriend or friend!



Now for 2018 booked clients, here's what you'll be raffled in for...

For the year 2018, those who book one of my Standard or Wedding Collection and followed through with it will automatically be entered in for a raffle drawing for a free 8 inch digital picture frame by Nixplay! I have one of these, a 15 inch screen one, and my boys and I absolutely love ours! It stores all of your beautiful pictures and even Instagram photos! So, if you want to win this FREE gift give away, you must book one of my Standard or one of my Wedding Collection's for the year 2018, and you must followed through with your session. Any cancelled session's by clients will not be qualify for this gift give away. The drawing for one lucky winner will be held on January 2nd, 2019. I'll keep announcing this throughout the 2018 year, so be sure to keep following and share!


2017 Clients, I have all of your information on file, so if you are one of the lucky winner, I'll contact you either by text message, Facebook message, or email.


Thank you and Good Luck to all 2017 clients of mine. "May the odds be ever in your favor" and God Bless.




With Love,

Choua, Natural Bliss Photography




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